Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Getting ready for December 1st

Monday, November 29, 2010
Giveaways rock
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
This & that
The best pic that I got yesterday (below)

Today we ended up at a bunch of stores. We didn't plan on it. We went to Sleepy's to get T a mattress, then ran in Target. Anthony realized yesterday that his tire on his truck was low. He checked today & there was a nail in it. So we were home for about an hr & 1/2 after we went to Target & then we dropped his car off at the tire place to get fixed. We went to a consignment shop & got T a cute red dress for X-mas. We thought we'd stop in Walmart (got a bunch of things) & then ran to Big Lots. We saw a really nice Garland with white lights that goes around your front door & 2 little trees for the front steps (a set) in the Big lots flyer. We figured we would get that done today. Tomorrow is a craft fair & parade & then out for dinner. So no more stores this weekend.
I'm working on a few fun things for my blog.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving & a list

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Giveaway from Chronicle books

I found out about this on my pen pal Kellie's blog. Get the words out
Anyone with a blog can post a list of Chronicle Books valued at up to $500 that you’d like to haul in, and you’ll be automatically entered into a drawing to WIN your list of books! And, one of your readers who comments on the post will win the list too! You can go to Kellie's blog too & leave her a comment.
These are some of the books that I'd love to win.

After you make a list on your blog. Go here happy haulidays & fill out the form & come back here & leave a comment. We'll both be entered in the contest. Last day to enter is December 14th, 11:59 PM ET.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Christmas card swap

Monday, November 22, 2010
CSN review coming soon
One of the items that I have my eye on is the fireplace candelabra I've been wanting one since we moved into our house. We never had a fireplace before & we've lived here for 3 years & have never lit it. Every year I bug my hubby to light it, but we never get around to it.

So I think that would look great, since we will probably never light our fireplace.
You can find many of the items on your Christmas shopping lists on the CSN stores website.
Mommy & Me Monday

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Lawn mower rides

Friday, November 19, 2010
Bella Tucker fund
Bella Tucker is an 9-year-old girl who attends South School Elementary in Londonderry, New Hampshire and is a member of the Phantom Gymnastics team. Bella came down with a near fatal infection on Easter Sunday. Doctors gave little hope for this third graders’ survival, but after five days in a coma she miraculously survived Streptococcus Pneumonia Sepsis with DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation).
Unfortunately, her survival from this infection was not without significant cost. The infection caused extensive tissue damage, and on April 27, 2010, Bella underwent quadruple amputation surgery and is currently facing an extremely long and hard recovery at Children’s Hospital in Boston with extensive rehabilitation to follow, as she learns to live life without her limbs.
Donations can be made to The Bella Tucker Fund via the PayPal link or by mail to:
The Bella Tucker Fund
P.O. Box 199
Londonderry NH 03053
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Friend with new blog
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Cookie swap info
Monday, November 15, 2010
Mommy & Me Monday (& a JoJo)

I thought I would take a pic with my kids. haha. I don't have too many of the 3 of us.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
My Happy List

My friend Watched T on Friday & I did some shopping alone. She's become a terror to shop with lately, but most of the time I have no choice to bring her with me.
I'm so happy that I'm feeling better. I haven't been feeling good for a few weeks. I also had a bad migraine on Friday too.
We went to dinner with some friends last night to celebrate 3 Fall birthdays. It was nice to see them. I got a really cute photo frame the other day @ Christmas tree shop. It's going in my office (that is pink, black & white)

Saturday, November 13, 2010
Shutterfly free holiday cards
Shutterfly has tons of photo greeting cards to choose from. Photo cards & regular holiday cards. I love this one.
I love lots of pics, collages & initials. Perfect for me. I'm sure you can find a card that is perfect for you too.
They have tons of birthday invitations too. This is almost the same style as the holiday card. Of course this one below would be my favorite. Pink, purple, blue & cupcakes. Heaven. I think I'll use this for Tara's 4th birthday next year. Thinking way ahead since her b-day isn't till July.
It's not too late to order your Thanksgiving cards
Do you have a blog? If you do & would like your own freebies, go here to find out how bloggers can get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly. I am getting free cards in exchange for this post. Make sure you mention Drama Queens Mum as a referral.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Weekend blog hop
So check out Tara's page below to follow along.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Comment club
Sunday, November 7, 2010
My Happy List

Our Mom group just started a scrapbooking club. We had our 1st 1 on Thursday night. I got 2 pages done. I really want to try to do 1 page a week again if I can.
Finally ordered some Ugg boots online.
I can't wait for them to get here & I can have warm & cozy feet. I hate being cold. I don't do well in the Winter at all. I'm hoping I ordered the right size & I won't have to send them back. I got a good deal on them.
Yesterday I had a much needed "Me day". Hubs took our daughter to a b-day party. I went to the craft fair, the library, a nail salon to find out how much it will cost for me to have a nail paraffin dip done. Watched the Housewives of NJ finally finally & started watching some of the reunion show, but then Drama Queen came home, so I shut it off. I really need to do more of these days.
Dolce Mia store

Saturday, November 6, 2010
I heart craft fairs
Friday, November 5, 2010
Santa already?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Last of the Halloween pics

Then Trick or treating at the mall

So excited she was jumping up & down.

Samantha & Tara holding hands. How cute.