Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I volunteered today at the animal shelter. It was 60 degrees out today, so nice. I think it will probably be the last nice day that I have walking dogs. There were so many volunteers today that all the dogs were walked by 11:00am & I really didn't have anything to do. I went to the cat area (where I really want to be) & asked if they needed help, but they had just finished & were leaving. So I went & checked out the ferrets, Chinchillas & guinea pigs.
This is Daisy, a 7 year old german shepherd. She was very sweet. If anyone is looking for a nice older dog.

Remember Lola, the sheepdog looking poodle, that I walked last week?

Well this is her now. I was so sad to see her like this. She looks sick & frail now. Like a totally different dog. I do think that she could have been trimmed a bit, but this much?

1 comment:

sprinkles said...

I don't think I could volunteer at a shelter - even just walking dogs and stuff. Our shelter is a kill-shelter. If I didn't see a dog from the previous week, I would wonder if he got killed, and would be afraid to ask. Good for you though, I know those animals appreciate it.

Happy Thanksgiving!