Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 goals

1. Do something crafty a few times a week
2. Read 20 books
3. Purge some of my clothes, jewelry, shoes, scrapbooking stuff.
4. Do some raks (random acts of kindness). Send some scrappy things to people
5. Update my blog
6. Delete more people on Twitter & other sites
7. Get more FB followers
8. Try to make my own wreaths (for different seasons)
9. Buy a glue gun. (I've been afraid for years that I will burn/injure myself. haha)
10. Make my own dream catcher for our bedroom
11. Sell stuff on Craigslist
12. Eat healthier again (I was doing really good & lost almost 6 lbs, but the holidays came & I've been eating really bad & eating gluten)
13. Organize the house & buy new baskets & organizing things
14. Do some raks (random acts of kindness, send people surprise scrapbooking things/post cards)
15. Write in a journal most days

1 comment:

Linda Jordan said...

These are some great goals! I need to make a list still...I kinda have one in my head, but I definitely should get it on the blog. Good luck + happy new year!!