Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Has anyone tried these?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Too busy

We've been really busy & T had some type of stomache bug that is going around. So we were stuck inside on Monday & Tuesday. I felt so bad for her. She had her 4 year check-up on Monday anyway, so she got to see the doc. She was throwing up while we were there (poor kid). She skipped dance camp yesterday & my Dad came & hung out with her. I got to do a bunch of errands. We had a playgroup today with a few kids from her new school (1 of my friend's kids already goes there & is setting up the playdates @ the park, so we can get to know the kids & Moms. They seem really nice). We came home for a little while & then were out to a triple birthday party (3 friends turning 2). So I haven't had a lot of time online & I really hate that. I feel like I need to keep in touch with people & see what is going on with everyone. I still need to write out "Thank you" cards from Tara's party almost 2 weeks ago (I just got them yesterday, when I finally got out of the house). I'm hoping to finish them & get them mailed out by Saturday.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Back to school clothes ideas
I hate to say it, but it's that time of year again, Back to school. We already got a few things for Tara @ a local consignment shop. I love the store that we have near us. Most of the stuff is in really good shape & some haven't even been worn & still have the tags on them. They also offer free coffee (I don't drink it) & the place smells like cinnamon. We'll be heading back there @ the end of August to see if they have more fallish items. Another place to check for Back to school clothes is Craigslist. We've had really good luck with the things we got on Craigslist. Huge bags of clothes for really cheap. Also some outlet stores, but I don't think their stuff is all that cheap. Unless you just happen to find a good deal.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Yum of the day
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Does anyone else do this?
Check out other girls? No, not that way. But I've noticed lately that I stare @ fashionable woman that I see out & about. Today I was in Walmart & a woman walked by & my head spun around. I was thinking "OMG, that vest/shirt is so adorable". There was another girl that I was behind in line & she had a really cool, handwritten tattoo on her shoulderblade & I was trying to get close enough to read it. I never did get to read it all because I didn't want to look like a weirdo staring at her shoulderblade. I think it's mostly because I blog & am use to looking at "lookbook posts" & I'm always seeing people go by with cute purses, sandles, shirts, cool colors of nailpolish & if I like it, I want to know where I can get it. I'm spoiled with being able to read blogs & have people post where the got their clothes & accesories. So does anyone else do this? Please tell me that I am not alone. Now Tara started asking me before she sees her b/f, Samantha, "I wonder what Samantha will be wearing today". So maybe it isn't just me.
Friday, July 22, 2011
100 degrees

It's officially 100 degrees here. Wow. I wasn't outside very much today. I drove Tara to do a craft at our town hall (she painted an ice cream/popcorn bowl). My Dad drove his car there & he took her to McDonald's after. I ran in CVS & got a few things & came home & got some stuff done. We really haven't been home much in the past month. We have at least 2 things planned every day. I've been having stomache problems for a few months (today is actually a good day). I went to a specialist & he thinks I might have ibs & be lactose intolerant. I'm also seeing a urologist. So we're just trying to hang in here. I can't believe that Summer is almost over. I have to be honest, I'm so looking forward to Tara starting school in September. I have so many things I want to get organized & in order. I'm going to do 1 room at a time.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
She's finally 4

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Tara's fake birthday
Today was Tara's birthday party. She's been calling it her fake birthday (her real b-day is on Thursday, the 21st). I think all the kids had a really good time. Even some of the adults went in the bouncy house. I was exhausted after. It's a lot different going in a bouncy house when you are an adult.

Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
We went to see the band Beetlejuice the other night @ a park. They are a New England band that does Beetles songs. I always wanted to see them mostly because Brad Delp, the singer from the band Boston, use to sing with them. But he died a few years ago & I never got to see them with him. The new singer was really good & they are a fun band to see.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Almost 4
I can't believe that my little girl is turning 4 next week. Not sure where the time went. She's not a baby anymore. I still think of her as a little 2 year old. I've been sad lately that she is growing up so fast, but I guess all Mom's go through this. Below is all about Tara.
Loves to pose for photos (when she's in the mood)

Loves to pose for photos (when she's in the mood)

She is very silly, stuborn & sassy.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Mommy & Me Monday
Monday blog hop
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Everygirl's Guide to Life.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wicked yummy
Today is my Dad's birthday & he came up to visit. I found out last night that he was coming up. I was thinking of making a cake, but I had this cookie mix in my cabinet, so I made this.
These are so good. Really sweet & yummy. I'm going to get another package & keep it in my pantry, so we can make it again soon. I know there are blogs with homemade, from scratch desserts, but sometimes you just have to go with a package mix. So much easier, when you are in a hurry.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Coupon class
I took a coupon class tonight @ our local library. I learned a few things.
1. Buy the Sunday paper (1 for each household member)
2. Sign up for the store cards
3. E mail companies that you like & tell them so & ask for coupons, recipes & samples.
4. Expired coupons can be giving to military bases (they can use them up to 6 months after they expire).
5. Sign up to watch Rite aid videos. You can print coupons after you watch the product (I haven't done this yet).
6. Organize your coupons in a binder (baseball card binders work the best for coupons) or a plastic envelope with a zipper on it. Write the name of the store on the outside.
7. Buy the cheapest Sunday newspaper (they should all have the same coupons. If you look in the left hand corner it will tell you how much you can save with the coupons).
8. Buy your All You subscriptions on Amazon (it's cheaper than the card you get in the magazine).
9. Sign up for restaurant/store e mails. You will get coupons & some offer birthday savings/coupons.
1. Buy the Sunday paper (1 for each household member)
2. Sign up for the store cards
3. E mail companies that you like & tell them so & ask for coupons, recipes & samples.
4. Expired coupons can be giving to military bases (they can use them up to 6 months after they expire).
5. Sign up to watch Rite aid videos. You can print coupons after you watch the product (I haven't done this yet).
6. Organize your coupons in a binder (baseball card binders work the best for coupons) or a plastic envelope with a zipper on it. Write the name of the store on the outside.
7. Buy the cheapest Sunday newspaper (they should all have the same coupons. If you look in the left hand corner it will tell you how much you can save with the coupons).
8. Buy your All You subscriptions on Amazon (it's cheaper than the card you get in the magazine).
9. Sign up for restaurant/store e mails. You will get coupons & some offer birthday savings/coupons.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
New reality show

Monday, July 4, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Happy 4th of July weekend

I hope everyone is having a fun & safe 4th of July weekend. We went to town day & to On the Border (sat out on the patio & I had my fave margarita, the OTB Meltdown) & we went to watch fireworks today, but had to leave because Tara was freaking out & hated the fireworks. Lately she's been really scared of thunder & this reminded her of thunder. She's gone to see fireworks every year. She said she will never go see fireworks again. We'll try it again next year.
Friday, July 1, 2011
My new toy
I just got this camera yesterday, so I haven't even used it yet. I'm hoping to get some great holiday weekend photos. I'm so excited. I love taking photos & my pink Olympus camera because it is compact & I can carry it with me at all times & it's shatterproof & waterproof. But the zoom isn't very good. The pink cam will be my everyday camera & this new 1 will be for special occasions.

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