I went to my doc today for a follow up on my meds & mentioned to her how my face is always red. My cheeks only. It looks like a rash. She said that I have a mild case of rosacea. I was pretty surprised. It can be an adult form of acne. I had acne from the age of 10-30. I just have the rash & the visable blood vessels, no acne, but who knows if that will change. I wear contacts & my eyes seem irritated a lot. She prescribed a lotion, that will hopefully help it.
I looked it up online & this is what it said about it.
Redness on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead.
Small visible blood vessels on the face.
Bumps or pimples on the face.
Watery or irritated eyes.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Busy October
We have so much coming up in October & I thought July was a busy month. We have the fair, Anthony's 40th birthday, dinner for his b-day later that week, An Autumn festival, a rehersal dinner for our friend's wedding, a tour of the new high school, the wedding, Halloween party at my house for the kids & Halloween. Not sure what else. I also have to find a dress for the wedding & a Halloween costume for Tara.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm trying to rearrange my fave links on aol. It's going to take me forever. I have about 400 sites saved. Whenever I get a free moment I try to organize them. What are the main sites that you have saved in your faves? Mine are
baby/mom sites
myspace graphics
baby/mom sites
myspace graphics
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Another Mom group gone
It seems that everytime I join a Mom group that I like, it ends up breaking up. The newest 1 I joined was only around for a month. So annoying. I'm hoping to somehow keep it going. I know a few of the Moms in the group & am hoping we can at least get together for playdates. All the kids are around T's age & all girls too.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I've decided to start using coupons more. I've always used them once in a while. I usually forget them. Today I made sure that I paper clipped the coupons to the food list. I must have dropped them right when I got in the store cause when I got to the cash register they were gone. I only had 1, that wasn't paper clipped. I'm hoping to save $ by using them every week (if I can remember them & not drop them).
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Yum of the day
Friday, September 19, 2008
I love being a SAHM
I quit working May of 07, 2 months before I had Tara. I really love being home & can't imagine working outside of the house again. I won't be going back to work (most likely) till Tara starts Kindergarten. I'm hoping to find something that I can do at home then. It's so nice to not have to get up & go to work everyday if I don't feel good, or don't sleep good or if I wake up with a headache. I have a cold now & just don't feel great. I'm so glad that I don't have to get up early & go in to work. I think being a Mom is hard enough work & Moms who do work, do a great job of balancing things & Managing time. They don't get enough credit for all that they do.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Family urban legend
Since I started doing my family tree, I've come to realize that almost every family has an urban legend about them. Growing up I was told that my Great Great Grandfather posed for the Gloucester fisherman statue. He was a fisherman as was my Grandfather & my G Grandfather. I found an article on it a few years ago & e mailed the man who wrote it & he gave me 2 names of the guys who might have posed for it, but it wasn't anyone related to me. I was talking to my Dad last week & he said that there's a rumor that his G Grandmother was a cook for President Roosevelt. Also we heard that Anthony's Great Grandfather way back helped paint the sistine chappel. I just looked it up & there is a man that painted it with Anthony's Grandmother's maiden name. I think it's all real interesting.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Test drove a car today

We're hoping to get me a new car by January. Before the snow & ice gets bad. So I can get up & down my crazy hill driveway. We're looking at Subaru's with all wheel drive. We want an Ipreza, but my hubby has a friend that has a Legacy that he's willing to sell to us. We took it out for a test drive today. I like it a lot. It's a 2000, but low mileage & he had new tires, radio, starter etc.. put on. We'd prob only keep it for 5 years & then buy a new car. By then we'll be financially better off too. That is the same car above on the top (not the exact 1 that we looked at), but it's in this green color.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I've been given an "I love your Blog" award

I just received this award from http://robinandolivia.blogspot.com & http://www.whatsinsissyshead.blogspot.com Thanks so much. It made me really happy.
Here are the rules:
1. The winner of this award can put the logo on her blog
2. Link to the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a comment on the blogs of the people you have nominated as well as the persons blog who nominated you.
6. If the Blogger you nominate has already received this award they don't need to pass it on.
Now it's time for me to pass along the award to my fave blogs.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Our Fave restaurant is gone
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I'm a football widow

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
New Mom group
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Summer review

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I hate this time of year
This is my annual rant about hating Fall/Winter. It means that Summer & happy times are over & Winter will be here before you know it. It's worse now that we live in NH & have a crazy hill driveway. Last year was awful for snow. I slid down the driveway on ice carrying Tara in her carseat last year. I couldn't get the car up the hill. So I'm hoping this year isn't as bad. What a way to start out living in a new state. I'm a Summer baby, so I love Summer. Not sure if all Summer babies love Summer. I know, why start thinking about Winter now? It seems like the fall goes by so fast & before you know it, it's December. We never got to go to the beach here in our town, no picnics, no smores, no chimnea & lots of other things we didn't get to do. I'm hoping maybe we can still get a few of the things in. I also hate when it gets dark earlier. Sorry to be so negative. Maybe I'll have a happy cheery blog tomorrow.
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