Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
New hair do for a day

I also had my hair trimmed a half inch today. My hairstylest Amanda is super nice & friendly. This is the 3rd time she cut my hair. She also did Tara's hair. After mine was done she styled it. She sprayed it with water, scrunched it up, put in tons of mousse & added hairspray (that smelled so yummy). It doesn't look much diff than usual, just a bit shorter (I don't think anyone will notice. My hair has grown a lot, all of a sudden the past few months) & stiff. I don't think I'd wear it like this. I don't like the stiff hair look anymore. I did have big 80's hair & that was always stiff. Maybe I'll add a pic of that sometime. This is me today.
Going green

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I was just wondering if anyone else is clumsy. I've always been like that, but it seems worse lately. Not to mention that I am more scatterbrained than ever. That goes along with Mommesia (read my Momnesia post if you haven't). I think I have a lot on my mind & that's why I am clumsy. I have bruises all over my arms & legs. Today alone I got 2 injuries. I was shopping & went to take Tara's shopping cart cover off of the cart & my nail bent back way down. It's so far down that it was bleeding under my nail & I can't really cut it down as far as I should. I have a bandaid on it now. I also was taking the silverware out of the dishwasher & putting it in the silverware drawer. I dropped a spoon on my foot & it hurt real bad & I have a gash, bruise & it's all puffy. That was bleeding too. I can't walk into a room without bouncing off the doorway & bruising my arm. I walk into furniture daily too. Is it just me or are a lot of people like that? Is it being clumsy or just having unfortunate things happen to me?
Monday, June 23, 2008
Neutrogena Sunfresh lotion

Sunday, June 22, 2008
1st vacation

We're going away this Friday to Maine. I can't wait to get away. I have tons of things to do this week. I'm having a playgroup at my house tomorrow (my 1st 1). I forgot we were going away on Friday when I commited to it. I need to pack me & Tara's stuff (need to find the suitcases. I'm gonna let Tara use my smallest 1. It's tapestry & girlie & more stylish than the others. So we'll have matching bags), dye my hair, trim my hair, go food shopping, laundry, vacuum (I do that twice a week now that Tara is crawling & eating things off of the floor) & clean. We're bringing her pack n play & her sheets for her to sleep in. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make our vacation fun, keep her from being cranky & bored & keep her entertained in the car etc..? This will be our 1st long car trip with her. I want to make a list of everything I need to bring for her. Plus a list of all of our stuff too. I'm big on lists. I think it helps out a lot.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Happy Summer
Follow up
I called my doc office today & asked about just trying to eat diff & taking fish oil pills. She said that the doc wanted me to go on the chol pills because of my cardiac risk factor. It's 6.7 & is suppose to be less than 3. So I will be trying the chol pills. I actually went & bought 2 bottles of fish oil pills today (buy 1 get 1 free), so I'll return them, if I can. I already take enough pills & won't need them with the other pills.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Nutritionist

I thought I'd write a follow up about the cholesterol. I saw the nutritionist today. She said she was surprised that the doc put me on med for it. My good chol is perfect. I'm gonna start eating light cheese & cutting down & going to start fish oil pills. I picked up the chol pills yesterday & took 1 last night. I'm going to call the doc & ask if I can try eating a little different (I already eat really healthy, other than the cheese. I don't eat red meat or pork. 24 years now) & do the fish oil pills & see how I am. Wait on the chol pills. I have a follow up check with my doc & follow up bloodtest on 9/11.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Free birthday gift from Sephora
Monday, June 16, 2008
Getting ready for Tara's 1st birthday party

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
High cholesterol
I went to see my new primary care doc in May. They did a blood test & my cholesterol came back high. I went back this week for a follow up & another blood test & it's still high. My doc says I'm a cardiac risk & have a chance of having clogged arteries in the future. My Dad has heart disease & had to have his heart arteries unclogged almost 20 years ago. I honestly thought the test would come back fine. They've also recently changed the guidelines. I was always fine before. So it's scary. The doc is putting me on chol med & I have to take 1 baby asprin a day. I made an appointment with a nutritionist for next week. I do eat tons of cheese. I really don't know much about high chol. I'm going to read up on it online. I've been eating cheerios. Does anyone else have that, what foods are good for lowering it & what foods do you avoid etc...?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Mosquitos, ticks & black flies, oh my
We have bugs out all day here. Where I'm from you only have to worry about mosquitos after dark. If I go out in the yard for a few minutes I get a bite. They seem more itchy than usual too, so of course I have to scratch them & then they end up looking like hickeys. I have them all over my legs, about 10 of them. So now I'm gonna put bug spray on everyday before I go out. I have to try to find 1 that will be okay for Tara. My Dad got a tick inbedded in his back when he was here raking. Welcome to Summer in NH.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
E.L.F make up

I ordered some make up from elf (eyes, lips, face) cosmetics. The order finally came yesterday. I really love the shiny lip gloss with spf. I'm really into spf lately. It's more like a lipstick & stays on real good. I didn't know if it was gonna be sheer/clear. I have the eyeliner on today & like that too. All the stuff I got was $1. I think they have it in some stores. I'd like to get more of it.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
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