Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday Favorites. 2.26.21

 Hello Friday. It's been another long week. Busy with doctor appointments. I am having a colonoscopy today, not fun.

1. Oreos. Gluten free oreos. They are really good. I've been wanting to make an oreo bark, so I will use these when I make it.

2. Tie dye shirt. I got this shirt at Walmart. It ties in the front, but I'm not going to wear it that way. It's a bit wrinkled. It's going in the wash soon.

3. Earrings. I also got these rose gold hoops at Walmart. They came in a 3 pack. A small pair of silver (I gave those to my daughter), a gold pair that was a little bigger & the rose gold hoop that was the biggest. I was going to post a pic of the silver earrings, but Tara is missing 1 right now.


Happy Friday.

1 comment:

Life with ABCD said...

I got that same shirt and have worn it a lot! I don’t wear it knotted either ;) Those appts are not fun but sometimes necessary. Hope it went okay! Have a great weekend!