Thursday, July 28, 2011

Too busy

Photo via We heart it

We've been really busy & T had some type of stomache bug that is going around. So we were stuck inside on Monday & Tuesday. I felt so bad for her. She had her 4 year check-up on Monday anyway, so she got to see the doc. She was throwing up while we were there (poor kid). She skipped dance camp yesterday & my Dad came & hung out with her. I got to do a bunch of errands. We had a playgroup today with a few kids from her new school (1 of my friend's kids already goes there & is setting up the playdates @ the park, so we can get to know the kids & Moms. They seem really nice). We came home for a little while & then were out to a triple birthday party (3 friends turning 2). So I haven't had a lot of time online & I really hate that. I feel like I need to keep in touch with people & see what is going on with everyone. I still need to write out "Thank you" cards from Tara's party almost 2 weeks ago (I just got them yesterday, when I finally got out of the house). I'm hoping to finish them & get them mailed out by Saturday.

1 comment:

AudreyO said...

Summer bugs are just the worst :( Someone at work today got so sick. We felt so bad for her. She's only 20 years old and I know her mom so I ended up calling her mom to come and get her. Hope everyone's feeling better now!!