Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Sad news

My Mom passed away yesterday morning. My Dad called me around 7:15am & told me. She had been sick for about a year. Her liver wasn't doing good. She had cirrhosis of the liver from a medication that she took for like 25 years. She kept getting ammonia on her liver & uti's & she would start hallucinating. She had been in & out of the hospital & a rehab place. The past month or so she really wasn't eating much. We went & saw her at the end of March & she was pretty out of it that day. She was kind of in & out of it. I wasn't sure if she remembered us being there, but my Dad said the next day that she did. Back in January my Dad facetimed me & showed me her & I just got the feeling that she wasn't going to be around much longer. A few days later she went in the hospital & 1 doctor said that he thought she might have a year left. So I thought we might have 1 more Mother's day & 1 more birthday phone call & 1 more day celebrating her birthday. Maybe 1 more Christmas too. She didn't come to Christmas this past year, but the year before she did & it was a great day. It was just my parents & my hubby & my daughter & I. I had planned to go see her once a month, if she wasn't hallucinating (really, she kept getting uit's & the ammonia, so it seemed like she was more out of it that with it). But I got the phone call yesterday that I was dreading. I wasn't surprised though. She was a strong person that went through so much in her life & the past year. I always lived in fear of losing my parents. I would have panic attacks thinking about it. That's gone on for the past 20 or more years. So my fear is here. I'm an only child, sort of. I'm my Mom's only child, my Dad was married at 19 & had 3 kids & then got divorced & married my Mom & had me. So I do have a half sister & 2 half brothers (1 brother passed away). But I was close with my parents. I'm the only 1 that grew up living with them. I'm getting bad chest pains & headaches. The wake isn't until Sunday, the memorial on Monday & then the burial on Tuesday. In MA on Monday it's Patriots day, so the cemetery is closed. It's suppose to pour non-stop on Monday anyway (Marathon Monday). This is such a hard thing to go through, but I had to write about it.

An old pic of my Mom & I in VA. We both had red hair (before hers turned white) & green eyes & we both were Cancers.


ElleJay said...


It is good that you are writing about how you are feeling. You need to be alone (at least a little while for yourself), in quiet, during this emotional time, and reflect and be with your thoughts about your mom. Things are going to get hectic in the coming days around you, so find as much time you can to gain your energy (and cry immensely in your privacy, too). NO one can take away the memories you have of your mom; always reflect on her in your quiet time and tell her that you love her.

My closest relationship I had with my parents was with my mom. Although I don't think I had the same "closeness" with her as you did with your mom, I am starting to remember her more and cry for her when I am by myself. (I find I think about her even more now when I try to sleep at night). It is good to remember; it is good to write about your thoughts (and dreams, if you can remember them).

<3 you! Laura

ElleJay said...


It is good that you are writing about how you are feeling. You need to be alone (at least a little while for yourself), in quiet, during this emotional time, and reflect and be with your thoughts about your mom. Things are going to get hectic in the coming days around you, so find as much time you can to gain your energy (and cry immensely in your privacy, too). NO one can take away the memories you have of your mom; always reflect on her in your quiet time and tell her that you love her.

My closest relationship I had with my parents was with my mom. Although I don't think I had the same "closeness" with her as you did with your mom, I am starting to remember her more and cry for her when I am by myself. (I find I think about her even more now when I try to sleep at night). It is good to remember; it is good to write about your thoughts (and dreams, if you can remember them).

<3 you! Laura