Friday, July 27, 2018

Positive Changes

 So I would like to make some positive changes & be able to look back a year from now & see how much I've changed or how much I've improved in what ever I want to make better. It is a full Moon tonight, so I think that is why I'm wanting to do this stuff. Also tomorrow will be 1 month since my Birthday & I really hadn't set any goals for my new year.

I'd like to do more Spiritual stuff-Like setting intentions with the New moon.
Practice with my tarot cards more.

Get back into crafting-Scrapbooking & adult coloring.

Do more yoga & pilates. I love stretching & it feels so good.

Cut down on soda. Drink more water. Don't eat after 7:00pm.

Do more coffee dates with friends.

Get out & walk more while it's warm out.

Write in my journal more, so I can see the changes that I made & how I am doing with them. I can also look back & see how things were going a year ago.

 I think that is a good start for my New year of being 48.


Andrea Nine said...

Did you read my mind? I scarpbooked for years but haven’t the past couple. Really miss it and yes to more coffee dates with friends! Have a great weekend!

Jenna H. said...

Great post - I have always loved to write down my goals...Seems to make you more accountable :) Thanks for sharing!
-Jenna <3
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