Thursday, December 28, 2017

Stuff & Things

 *It's been so cold here. It was 7 degrees today. I really don't want to go out in it. We went out yesterday & I went out & warmed up the car before we left. That helped a lot, but when we came out of the store, the windows were all frozen. So we had to sit there a few minutes for it to unfreeze.

*I swear that school vacation is punishment for parents. My daughter is off until Tuesday & I can't wait. I have chest pains. So not fun.

*I'm looking forward to going shopping this weekend. I got a gift card for Sephora & 1 for Michaels too. I try to avoid the mall around Christmastime. So now I can go back. I haven't been there for a while.

*I got a few new planners &journals & I'm excited to use them. I love writing & planning. I want to get better at decorating my pages. I follow a few You Tubers & they have inspired me. I love that about You tubers. That they inspire me to want to do things. I really want to get this book below since I love lists.

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