Saturday, November 12, 2016

Stuff & Things

This pic was taken back in August. That is my friend Renee's face inside the troll if you look carefully.

--Yesterday we went to see the movie "Trolls" with some friends. I really didn't know what it was about ahead of time, but it was really cute. We got home & soon after our internet, phone & wi-fi went out. This was around 2:40 (yes in the middle of General hospital). It was out until 9:00am this morning. T doesn't know what to do with herself without wi-fi or the tv. So she was really unhappy. I didn't get to post a blog post because of no wi-fi.
--Went to a fun craft fair today. I got 2 bracelets & a rose quartz crystal. This is 1 of the bigger craft fairs that I really like & have been going to for the past 3 years at least. We even bought our 1st Christmas present for Tara's teacher.
--This week I want to continue organizing my office & crafting. I was on a roll on Thursday & was really productive & then T was off of school for Veteran's day yesterday. I hope to continue this week.
-- I have lots of doctors appointments coming up. This Wednesday I have the dentist. I want to get all of this stuff done & out of the way.

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