Friday, May 7, 2021

Friday Favorites. 5.7.21

It's that wonderful day again. Linking up with Andrea & Erika.

1.Body lotion. I rediscovered this lotion. I bought it a few years ago in Hampton beach. The scent reminds me of being at the beach. I also have the perfume. It smells so good & very beachy & Summery.


2. Body scrub. I heard that this Tropic glow is like Bum Bum cream, but cheaper. I want the lotion, but it's sold out at Ulta. I got this at the new Ulta in Salem, NH. It just opened last Friday. It's so new & clean.

The goods that I got.

In the new store.


Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Oooh that body scrub looks nice!

natalie blair said...

COOLA is amazing!!!

R's Rue said...

I need to try to body scrub. I want to visit an ULTA soon. Happy Monday.