Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday Favorites. 5.28.21

 It's Friday finally. Another stressful week, but we have a long Holiday weekend. The weather will be in the 50's & 60's & rain, so we won't be doing much. Our anniversary is on 5/30. Linking up with Erika & Andrea.

1. Bath & Body works. I got a bunch of soaps last week. Boardwalk vanilla cone has been 1 of my favorites for a few years now. Right now we are using the Lakeside afternoon. I love it so much. It's a new favorite. It has lavender, dockside breeze & fresh rain scents. I'm not big on lavender, but this is really light.


2. Flowers from our front yard. Our lilacs are finally blooming. A few weeks late. I brought some in the house & they smell great.



3. Anniversary weekend. Sunday is our 15th anniversary. We will be going out to eat on Monday. It's going to rain for the next 4 days & be in the 40's & 50's Saturday & Sunday. So sad. We might go to a cookout tomorrow, but it will a cook-in probably. lol. It's suppose to be 48 tomorrow. I miss the 80's. I'm a Summer girl. We got married in 2006 in Bermuda.

Have a nice weekend.

1 comment:

natalie blair said...

I love a good B&BW deal!! The best is when you have so many coupons because they allow you to double (or triple!) and stuff is like 85% off! Man I walk out of there with so many things I don't know what to do with it all LOL. My fave thing is their wall plugin scents. I wait for those to go on sale.

Happy anniversary!