Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Goals for 2016

I don't really make New Years Resolutions anymore, but I do try to set some goals. Keeping it simple this year.

1. Health~Try to take care of myself better. Since I have chronic fatigue & fibro, I need to get more rest & eat a little better. I'm busy trying to take care of everyone else that I don't get to do things for my own health. Like doing some yoga stretches before bed & soaking my feet in epsom salt. I want to get on more of a routine with this stuff. It seems like lots of times things seem to come up, where Tara goes to bed later & Anthony gets home from work late & then things get off of schedule. I want to keep trying to find things that work for me with the fatigue & fibro & how to get through the day.
2. Schedules~I want to have a cleaning schedule & meal plans each week. I got off track with that too.
3. Organizing~Keep getting rid of clutter. Go through stacks of paper & get rid of clothes & magazines more often.

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