Friday, July 30, 2010

Hawk go away

We have some hawks living in our trees in our yard. There's at least 2 of them. I've been hearing them for a few months, but we finally saw 1 the other day. Yesterday morning 1 landed in our birdbath. It's hard to see, I took the pic through the window, but it didn't come out good because of the flash. I didn't want to open the front door, because I figured he would fly away. I'm from the Boston burbs, so I'm not use to seeing things like this. I thought I had a rare bird in my yard, but my Mom said she has seen them in my hometown. Anyway, when we 1st saw the hawk the other day it swooped down & caught a mouse. Then flew up into the tree. It was kind of disturbing for me since I love animals. But I was thinking about it yesterday & we had a family of chipmunks living in our yard for the past year & I realized that I haven't seen any of them for a while. I'm hoping the hawks didn't get them. They're so cute. It would make me really sad. Tara even named 1 Muck. My hubby said that he thinks that they only eat dead animals, but I'm not sure about that.


nfmgirl said...

No, hawks most definitely do NOT simply eat dead animals. That would be vultures (which are prevalent in my neck of the woods). Hawks are predators. They do eat various rodents, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits and even other birds. My mother had a pigeon adopt her house as its new home, and she got very attached to the pigeon and named it Brownie. But Mom also has lots of hawks and even a pair of eagles that inhabit the area surrounding her house. So she and her friend did what they could to build shelter for Brownie to protect him/her from the hawks, but they knew that it would only be a matter of time. A few months after Brownie showed up, he suddenly disappeared with only a patch of feathers in the yard as an indication of what happened. The hawks finally got him. But that is nature, and there's nothing that can really be done about it. Hawks have even been known to grab small dogs and cats. Anything smaller than them is fair game.

Unknown said...

Eyes like a hawk? Ever heard that one? Hawks eat small rodents and are very good to have 'round. Vultures, unmistakably ugly beasts, eat dead things, which is actually a good thing, too, if you think about it. Keep ranting! Dropping via SITS.

Sherri said...

Oh, we have hawks too...and owls, which we don't see during the day! Lots of squirrels around our neighborhood, I'm sure that's why the birds love it here. I am always torn, because I think the birds are so majestic and cool when they swoop around, but I don't want them to eat the little critters!! How dumb is that??

Cheryl said...

Hawks, although cool, can be a real eye opener for kids if they are watching them at the wrong time. I tried to convince my five-year-old once that the big hawk was simply playing tag with the little squirrel!
Thanks for stopping by.