Sunday, May 26, 2013


The weather has been horrible here the past week. Rainy & cool. The sun finally came out today. Tomorrow is suppose to hit 72 & be sunny. It does not feel like Summer. By the end of the week it will be close to 90 degrees. I'm getting excited for our Summer trips & day trips. So much going on the next few weekends, so the day trips will be on hold. Lots of fun things coming up in the next few weeks.

I was thinking today about my fave holidays:

1. My birthday (I know it's not a holiday for everyone, but it is for me. I never worked on my b-day & we always go away on vacay every year. So it is like a holiday for us).
2. 4th of July. Something about 4th of July is just magical to me.
3. Memorial Day weekend.

1 comment:

sprinkles said...

My favorite holiday as a kid was always Christmas. Everyone thinks it's because I got a lot of gifts, and yes, that's part of it. But it was the one and only day of the year where my whole family got along.

I used to enjoy the Fourth of July. Now it's sad, because my dad died on July 3rd.