Friday, July 31, 2009
Tara is famous for the day
I won a contest from Momma in Flip flops, a cute t-shirt for Tara that says "My Daddy is cooler than your Daddy". She added a post to her blog with a pic of T in the shirt. Check out her site. She always has cool giveaways on her blog.

Traveling blues

When I was younger I use to travel all the time. To visit friends in other states & pen pals, to go to concerts, follow bands. Now we stay local & just go to the New England states. I've been to all of them a ton of times. Also the whole East coast & a ton of other places. Lately I've been getting itchy to go somewhere, but I'm a sahm & don't have the $. I really want to go to SITScation. I haven't been to Vegas since 98. Are any of you going? Also since I'm turning 40 next year, I'd like to go somewhere fun. I was thinking of Montreal, but my friend in VA mentioned us having a 40th party there (she turns 40 Aug of next year). I have a ton of friends there & some family. So I'm trying to decide & have a while. What are your fave places that you've been to? I love so many places. I spent my summers in VA with my best friend Kim & her twin & really miss it. I always wanted to move there & wish I was Southern. I love Vegas, Memphis, Atlanta, Montreal, Quebec city & Niagra falls. Places I don't like so much that I've been to (please don't be offended if you live there. haha), NYC, MI & Hawaii (Honolulu. It was rainy & windy there I'd like to go back someday & give it another chance). Places that I haven't been yet that I would like to visit are London, Australia, Ireland, Italy, Maui, Savannah, Texas (I've only been to the airport there), The Mall of America (someday I'll get there), A few places in FL that I've never been to like Miami, Key west, Ft Lauderdale. My goal years ago was to go to every state someday. I've been to half so far.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Yum of the day

Dreyer's/Edy's Limited Edition Slow Churned S'mores Light Ice Cream + Low-Fat Honey Graham Crackers = Super S'more-wichPER SERVING (1/4 cup ice cream + 1 sheet graham crackers): 130 calories, 3.25g fat, 125mg sodium, 23g carbs, 0.5g fiber, 12g sugars, 2.5g protein -- POINTS® value 3*
Face it: It's just too hot out to toast marshmallows. But that doesn't mean s'mores are out of the question. Take your sheet of graham and crack it into two squares. Carefully spread the ice cream on top of one of the squares and top it off sandwich-style with the other graham. Freeze for about 15 minutes, if you like, or just accept the fact that some of the ice cream is gonna ooze out the sides, and get down with your messy snack!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Almost wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
new toe ring
Today we went to the Hampton beach & I got a fitted toe ring. I love it. It's a Hawaiian lei. It has flowers all the way around it. The woman had a spray bottle (filled with soap & water) & sprayed my toe & then kept trying to push it on. It took a while, but it won't come off & I will wear it year-round. I also got a fitted thumb ring. The thumb ring that I had before I got preg is too small now. So it's been 2 years since I had 1. I'm so happy.
This is my new fairy shirt that I got today too below. I changed my nailpolish when I got home, both pics are from today. It's hard to get a good pic of the toe ring. Next up, re-piercing my belly button.

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Shades of Summer

I'm participating in the SOS (Shades of Summer) this year. I'm really excited. Liz Kartchner started this last year & it's that time again. Last summer she connected with bloggers all over the country with some yellow stylin' shades. They would take a photo wearing them and then send them onto the next person on the list. This year they are pink. I'm so happy that they are pink & not yellow (not a fan of yellow). So I'm just waiting for the shades to come. I'm hoping that it doesn't take too long for them to get to me & my address.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
AC Moore rewards card
I was in AC Moore on Friday & the cashier told me that they have a new rewards card. You get a point for each dollar that you spend. When you reach 200 points you get a $10 gift card. Not much & it might take a while for some of us, but if you go there anyway you might as well use it. You can sign up online or in the store, but I think the card has to be activated in the store. I got 1 right @ the cash register when I was checking out.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Evil sis in law
I've been wanting to write a post about my sis in law for a long time. It's such a long story & don't want to get upset by writing it. I also don't want to write a novel. I'll try to keep this as short as I can. I met Anthony in 03 & we got engaged in June of 05. I never liked his sis, but tried to tolerate her for him. We started planning our wedding in June 05. She met a guy in Oct of 05 & got engaged like 10 days later & started planning her wedding. We were getting married in May of 06 in Bermuda. We planned on having a party when we came back here & it would be our wedding party, so our friends that couldn't go to Bermuda could go. She wanted to have her wedding the same day as our party & for us to have the party together. I said no way. We had been planning it & it was our special day. We had a fight & I had an anxiety attack. Ever since that day I've hated her. My FIL finally convinced her to have her wedding a different day. Everyone was on our side. Her hubby told Anthony's Dad that he couldn't wait for him & my MIL to die, so they could get all of their $. Even after that I tried to be cordial to her for my hubby. So we had our wedding shower & she came. She ended up giving me lingerie that she had bought for his ex-fiance. There was a tag on it that said 2002. Anthony got her to admit that she bought it for his ex. She said she didn't want to keep going out & buying things if he wasn't going to get married or something to that effect. That he should have just married her. So I was even more po'd after that. She still came to our wedding party on 6-12 & we attended her wedding on 6-25. It was really hard for me to be cordial towards her after all of this. Other things happened. We were trying to sell our house in MA. His sis & him showed up @ our house drunk & they both had to use the bathroom. We had a showing going on of our house & our realtor was in the house with a couple viewing it. She ran in the house & used the bathroom. He decided to pee on the side of our house outside in some bushes. We were sitting in the yard. Anthony was trying to quietly yell @ him & to tell him to not do that & how we had a showing going on. He didn't care. Her hubby is a huge loser, con-artist, fake etc..So is his sis. They're perfect for each other. Fast forward to Dec of 07. We had just moved to NH. Their Grandmother died a week after we moved here, she had moved in with them the June before. She made his sis the executor of her personal finances & all. I think the only reason they took her in was because they knew they would have access to her $. They bought a couple of cars, motorcycles, trucks, vans etc... I mean like 3 motorcycles (they would buy 1 & bring it back & get a new 1), 2 cars & a bunch of other vehicles. So they were just spending her $. Their G'ma left her only son (my FIL) $, Anthony & his sis. She did give Anthony & his Dad their $ cds that she left them, but she somehow ended up with all of the $. She lied to our lawyer & said she gave her dad & Anthony their $. Anthony has a lawyer friend, but didn't want to spend the $ to have her get the $ from them. He did have her send a letter asking for them to list exactly where the $ went, but they never replied to it. So we haven't seen her or him for a year & 1/2. So on Saturday, the day of Tara's party I went down to get the mail. I opened my garage door & there was a car sitting there in our driveway. I didn't recognize the person & just thought it was 1 of our guest's hubbys that I hadn't met, there early. So I said hi & then it hit me who it was. So I said very rudely "What are YOU doing here". He said "she's dropping off presents" (for Tara). So I continued to walk down our hill to the mailbox. I came up the driveway & his sis was just getting in the car (A brand new car I might add). They had the windows open, so as I walked by I bent down & looked inside & said "Oh, you got a new car with our $? Real nice" (sarcasticly). I slammed the garage door & went inside. I went upstairs & Anthony was pretty shocked too. Opening the door to her. She didn't say much & gave him a huge horse stuffed animal (that she must have gotten @ a yard sale for 50 cents) for Tara & another wrapped pres. He didn't know that D was there too. I was litterally shaking & had another anxiety attack. After my anxiety attacks, my head usually starts pounding. So it did. I couldn't believe this happened the day of T's party. I think my MIL mentioned the party was that day & she didn't know that D would show up too. So I somehow have to let his parents know how she isn't welcome around me or my daughter (another fight). I was thinking last night that I would like to have a restraining order against both of them, so they can't come on our property & near Me or Tara. I haven't mentioned it to A yet & I'm pretty sure he's going to say that I can't do that. I also don't know the details on getting a restraining order. If you actually have to be threatened. It seems like the few people that I know that have them against people got them pretty easily. But I'm sure that A will be against me doing that. Him & his Dad aren't really mad @ her, just him. They think she was brainwashed by him. I think she's a money grubbing con-artist & knows exactly what she was doing. So it's really hard dealing with this. I had hoped that I would never see her again, but knew that someday she would come back into our life. I lived in fear of that. I won't be around her & go thru' anxiety attacks. I also don't want my daughter around her. So I really wanted to vent about this & get it all out. I keep waiting to see them on the news that they conned the wrong person & got arrested or something I'm sure he's done this before. I'm surprised that he's still around & hasn't left her & took off with all of the $ yet. I do believe in Karma, it just takes so long sometimes.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
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