Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Seeing Def Leppard tonight

We're seeing Def Leppard tonight. I'm so excited. My fave band since I was 12. Woohoo.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A few pics

We had fun while we were there. Went in some stores (I only got a fairy long sleeved shirt) & ate out a few times. It was raining & horrible up there.
This pic was from the 1st night. It was misting out, you can see it in the pic.

I got a mini b-day cake in Hannaford & had a K put on it. I ate the whole thing. It was tiny, but took me 3 days to eat it. Anthony didn't want any.

Saying cheese

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Home early from Vacay

We left yesterday morning & came back home today. We got home @ 9:30pm. Tara wouldn't sleep on her mattress from her bed that we brought with us. So she slept in the bed with us, but she didn't sleep. She was awake from 2am-4:30am singing, saying the alphabet, saying mama, dadda, jojo, Whatever she could think of. We're all exhausted. So I'm going to bed soon. We decided we didn't want to take a chance on another night of not sleeping. It was cool & rainy up there too. I took a bunch of pics & will add them tomorrow. I'll leave comments for you all too, that left comments tomorrow.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Things to do before I turn 40 (6-28)

I'll be 40 in 1 year (yuck) 6/28/10. So I wanted to come up with a 40 things to do before I turn 40 list, but I couldn't think of that many. So here is my list & I might add more.

1) Get a tattoo of Tara's footprints

2) Pierce my belly button again (took it out when I was preg. I had it for 8 years)

3) Go on a date night with my hubby once a month

4) Go away alone overnight with my hubby once a year

5) Write 2 letters a week (I do that anyway)

6) Finish 2 scrapbook pages a week

7) read 1 book a month (that's going to be hard)

8) learn how to decorate cakes/cupcakes (maybe take a class)

9) Do a Girl's night or go to a GNO once a month

10)Do a few giveaways on my blog

11)Try fondue

12)Get a manicure

13) Go to a spa (have facial/massage. I've never done that)

14)Call 1 long distance friend a month

15)Kiss my hubby 10x a day

June 27th

Since we're leaving for Maine tomorrow. I wanted to post this & wish JoJo a Happy 12th Birthday.

1st beach day of 09

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Early b-day fun

This is what my parents got me. All scrapping stuff. I'm not buying anymore stuff after this. I have too much stuff that I won't use.

This is from my 1 of my bff's Renee in MI, (My ex-roomie). She always makes pressies so much fun. She also sent Tara's b-day pressies early.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My friend's blog

My friend Courtney recently started a blog & is doing some cool giveaways. Check it out & leave her some comment love. http://blog.theartofbeingmom.com

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No tomatoes?

My hubby stopped @ a farmer's market last night & they said they didn't have any tomatoes & might not this year & to check back in July. Because it was dry in April & now raining so much, the tomatoes aren't growing. They need sun. I never thought about not having tomatoes. We do still have them @ the grocery store, but they aren't as good.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Saturday night I went over to my friend's house to scrapbook. I finished 4 pages. This is 1 of them.

She is letting me borrow this book. I have so many pages with book marks in them. I'm going to try to do pages similar to them before I give the book back. What are your fave Scrapping books or mags?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's day

This is the pic that I used for Anthony's card.

1st braid today. She was moving around, so it didn't come out too great.

Cake that we made. I found the recipe on a blog. It was really good, but really rich. I ate a huge piece & my tummy hurts now. I need to eat better. I'm going to look for some healthy recipes online tonight. (Thanks for the info on that).

My Dad & Tara

Tara, Anthony & his Dad

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Need some new recipes

I have a ton of cookbooks & lots of recipes that I've printed off of the computer, but still can't find anything to make. I'm so picky, so it's hard. Anyone know of any good websites with some good & healthy recipes on them? I'm going to start watching Food network again & check out the website.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Flashback

I'm trying to empty the pics off of my camera before we go on vacay next week & I came across a bunch of Tara from last Aug. I think this pic is funny. We haven't been able to get in the lil' pool yet this year, but hopefully soon.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


The tutu that I won for Tara came today. It's really cute. She was really cranky when I put it on her tho'. I wish I had gotten a 3t instead of a 2t. She finally has a tutu.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Colorful Childhood Store Review

I've recently come across this very unique store online. It has many items to choose from. They have kids wall art (it's all so adorable) , learning toys, dolls, tutus, ballet slippers & lots more. All of the products are designed & made by parents. Their products are high quality, fun & only made in the USA/Canada. You can find them @ http://www.colorfulchildhoodstore.com. Also check out their parenting blog located @ the bottom of their home page.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Free b-day lipgloss from Sephora

I went to the mall today. I don't really get there too often, so it really makes me happy when I do get to go there. I got my free lipgloss from Sephora. I'm in the Beauty insiders club & once you sign up, you get a free gift each year. This year it's lipgloss. Make sure you go to Sephora.com & sign up. You will get an e mail before your b-day & you can pick it up 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after. They usually send it out to you 2 weeks before. Mine isn't till next weekend.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Yum of the day

I tried this tea the other day. I'm not an ice tea/cold tea drinker, but love hot tea & I really like this. It comes in different flavors, like strawberry kiwi & raspberry.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Where did Summer go?

Summer is my fave time of year, but it's been so rainy & cool here lately. I feel like we're getting jipped out of precious moments. I know some of you have had nice hot weather. All it does is rain here lately. Heavy rains. It's making me feel quite gloomy too. We've been stuck in the house a lot & I end up thinking about all of the things I need to do, but never have time to. Projects I will never finish. I will never finish all of the books I want to read or get all my photos in scrapbooks. I'm working on a list of things I want to do before I turn 40. In about 12 & 1/2 months from now. Eek. Please send some sunny weather & happy thoughts over here.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Page change

I just changed up my page a bit & I think I lost some of the buttons. I'll have to go through my page more & try to figure out how to re-add the links & see which 1s I lost. I know I lost a few of the blog buttons that I had on there. I hope everyone is having a nice & sunny weekend. It's sunny here finally. I hit 4 yardsales today. Fun fun fun.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday faves

My faves from this week are

TV shows~Southern belles Louisville. So far there's no drama on it & I still like it.

Drinks~Smirnoff wild grape. It wasn't awesome, but it's kind of different.

Magazines~Scrapbooks etc.. I bought 1 yesterday & love that feeling of having a new mag to look at. I just subscribed.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Terrible twos

T has been going thru' the terrible 2's for about 8 months now. But it's definitely gotten worse the past few weeks. Yesterday was the worst day ever. She was whiney & crying for no reason & last night was so hyper & kept throwing things. She had 3 time outs (the most in 1 day ever). I had an argument today with my Mom (for the 100th time). She keeps saying I need to start slapping her hand. I tried to explain to her that these days we don't spank & beat our kids anymore (okay, she never beat me, but I did get spanked). We do time-outs. Things have changed in the past 39 years. I don't know how to get her to understand this. What are your thoughts on this? To spank or not or time-outs & how to get a grandparent to understand that times have changed.
p.s. How long are the terrible 2's suppose to last? Please don't say till they turn 3. Ugh.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

JoJo's surgery

JoJo had her surgery yesterday morning. She had her teeth cleaned & 7 teeth pulled. I'm glad that it's over & she's okay. I picked her up last night @ 5:30. She was still drugged out. I put her in our bedroom with her catbox. I didn't want T bothering her. She seems fine & has been sleeping on our rocking chair in our bedroom. Now we just have to make it through my Mom's surgery on Friday. This pic is from this morning.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An award

I got this award from Dawn @ http://twoprettylittleskirts.blogspot.com It's been a while since I received an award. Thank you.

1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
To my new friends I give this award... in no particular order. I will send you all comments within the next few days to let you know that you got that you got an award.

Monday, June 8, 2009

rose ring

This is the ring I ordered from http://polkadotmoon.blogspot.com You can check out her esty shop on her blog.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Which is worse a sunburn or bug bites?

Well I have both right now. I forgot to put on sunblock yesterday. We did run into my friend @ the Strawberry fes & I borrowed some to put on T, but I forgot to put some on me. Right now I'd say sunburns are worse. My left shoulder is throbbing so bad right now. I've been putting aloe vera gel on it. I also have 2 bug bites right now. I seem to get 2 a day.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Strawberry festival 09

Ethan & Tara

This face painting is suppose to be a butterfly.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Our Summer vacay

We booked our b&b that we're staying @ in Bar Harbor. It's the same place that we stayed @ last year. We'll be there @ the end of June for my b-day. We also need to figure out where we're staying in N Conway & when we're going. A is off the 1st week in June. What are your Summer plans?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Is this creapy guy a tick?

This morning I was laying in bed, thinking how itchy I was & how I felt like I was being bit. I'm always itchy, so didn't think much of it. A few hrs later I was getting dressed & took of my pj bottoms & saw something reddish on my knee. I swipped it off of me (thought maybe I had cut myself shaving). I looked down & there was this creapy guy. The 1st thought I had was a tick, but I'm not sure it could just be some type of spider. Either way I'm creaped out that he was on me & who knows for how long. I have him in tupperware right now to show my hubby when he comes home. I think I'm going to google ticks.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pure ice nailpolish

I love this brand of nailpolish. I don't have this blue color, but I do have Mint dream (pale green), Rose bud (hot pink), twinkle (orangy, peachy, coral) & outrageous (purpleish pink). You can find these at Walmart & they're only $2.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

According to Me

I got this off of Liz Kartchner's blog.

according to me
When I was a child... I took ice skating lessons for a few years
My least favorite chore is... cleaning the bathroom
If I could be on any tv game or reality show, it would be... 1 of the Housewife shows. The Real Housewives of NH
If a mystery package arrived on my doorstep, I'd hope it would be... Anything cute from Etsy
My guilty pleasure is... chocolate
I thought I would never... have a baby
If a genie granted me three wishes, I’d wish for... for no one that I love to die, for more hours in the day & to never have to work again
You would never guess it, but I... am almost 39
It was fun to fill out--feel free to post a comment and fill in the blanks 'according to you.'

Monday, June 1, 2009


We finally had our 1st playgroup today. I've been trying to get into 1 since Oct. It's small, really small, but that is more fun to me. I found out that the other Mom in the group has the same b-day as me (but is a year older) & our hubbies have the same exact b-day. Same year too. How weird is that? We both kind of freaked out about that.