Halloween was pretty uneventful for us. We only had 3 kids come to the door. Hubs stopped on the way home from work & got 2 bags of Halloween candy. We already had a big box of granola bars. I was excited to meet some of the neighbors. It was pitch black out. No street lights on our street. We headed out around 7:30 & only went to 1 neighbor's house. Anthony didn't want to bother people cause it was kind of late. So I was kind of disappointed. I got a few pics of T on the front steps.
We took Loughin Trick or Treating and Blake went along for the ride. He was pretty useful toward the end when hubby and I didn't want to get out of the car. Blake went house to house with his baby brother and we followed in the car. Loughin had a good time and made a haul on candy. Not good for my ass considering I can't quit eating it! LOL! Tara's little costume was so cute!
What an adorable costume! WHy can't expat moms have access to fun stuff like this in Paris?
Bisous from La Mom
oh my gosh...she looks so cute!!! Have a wonderful day!!
What a cutie she is! Looks like she had fun!
So cute! Isn't Halloween fun with little ones?
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