Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June goals

 June is a really busy month. It's my birthday month & we are going away to Maine & then Fl later this month. A lot of the stuff I will be doing this month will be for our trips. My favorite month.

1. Bring stuff to Goodwill. It's in my trunk.

2. Start packing.

3. Vacuum stairs.

4. Color hair plum.

5. Have an earring changed. It's in a hard place to change on your own, so I will be paying to have it changed. I was also thinking of having my ear pierced again, but probably won't get around to it this month.

6. Have eyebrows tinted? Not sure about this. I don't want it to come out too dark & not like it & then be going away.

7. Bring all of the clothing totes up from the garage dump them out & go through them. Organize them by seasons & pull out anything that we don't want anymore. I will donate those.

 Hoping that June is a happy, fun & positive month.

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