Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mother's day 2024

Tara got me this card & suncatcher.

We went to Olive garden on Friday night.


Friday, May 17, 2024

Florida-April 2023. Part 1

St. Augustine.


A store called Wild roots. I bought a t-shirt.

Clearwater beach.


Friday, March 1, 2024

New Year's Eve

 I can't believe it's been a year since I've blogged. So much has happened. I will post blogs & catch everyone up on what has happened in the past year.

Here are a few pictures from New Year's eve.

Friday, March 3, 2023

New plant

I bought a new plant at Walmart last week. I got it because it's called Kimberly queen fern & my name is Kimberly. Even though I know it doesn't look like a fern. I even looked it up. Anyway, I got home & noticed the tag on it & it's a Global green pothos. Either way I really like it, so I'm keeping it. I heard that it is kind of a rare plant. I hung it up in my office.


Wednesday, March 1, 2023


Tara is starting to drive. She is kind of liking it. She starts driving school in May.


Tuesday, February 28, 2023


We went to a benefit at the end of January. It was for a guy in a local band. They used to be my fave local band 30 years ago. That makes me feel old. He has stage 4 melanoma. It spread, so he had to have a kidney out. This was a while ago. He ended up back in the hospital, so they didn't end up playing. A band called Fortune played. This is them in the picture. Well mostly the singer, Bob. I used to see them in the 90's.


Friday, December 9, 2022

Our Christmas tree

 We put our tree up on Sunday, but most of the white lights that came with the tree were out, so we ordered some on Amazon. They are colored & white lights. They are different colors & can blink & have a remote. I don't like the blinking. The colored lights look so nice since I'm so used to the white lights for 15 years.
